Socialists and republicans for the same reasons

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Young nationalists

The 1982 and coinciding with the year of the “Socialist change” in Spain, Cohiba Cuban cigar brand started to sell to the public its prestigious Havana, recently up to that date for a diplomat. It seems in stark contrast that Felipe González was a fan of these cigars as well as that Fidel Castro was his main provider, sending it safes in the West before ending their relationship of friendship. “Faithful, everything has its time. It is high time to convene elections” It seems that he irritate for irreversible Felipe biting the hand of who gave smoking. It is not proven that the message will take to arrive from the Azor, the yacht of Leader with what, lacking for the first time in the more progressive sensibility, the icon of change came to fish in the vacation of his first term of Office. In the end the yacht was the heritage of the State and it is already known that those “young nationalists“, as the defined Barbara Probst Solomon, then correspondent in The New York Times, they were very consistent with patriotism. And they continue to be. A little older.

And it seems that for many Spanish nationalists, among which we might include the last three presidents of the Spanish Government, democracy and its finest, the polls , It is not a good way to resolve political conflicts. At least in Catalonia.

It is legitimate to be nationalist and appreciate the transparency. Was it ignoring the polls, worrying. And coming from according to what figures, very disappointing. It is known the obsession of Felipe González for the press, "the first power" according to him. It is therefore very unlikely that is not the case in the context of social transformations, Economic and political in what is Catalonia, which are framed in sobiranista process started on the basis of the ruling of the Constitutional Court against the Statute. Or is not aware of the utmost peaceful expressions, civic, almost playful that they mean the manifestations of 10 July 2010, the national day of 2012, del 2013 with the Catalan Routthedel 2014 with the V, the referendum of the 9N and the national day of the free 2015?

This cycle of mobilizations has been characterized by its creativity and innovation that has led to his actors in making decisions that were unthinkable a few months ago. Along the way there are splits, separations, election suffered from strong traditionally actors, birth of new political structures and civic also. It is in this context that exciting, complex, where everything has been moved and is still moving very quickly and cause-effect relationships aren't obvious most of the time, you see the light Movement Move the 2012.

The referendum impossible that the bipartisanship of Spanish nationalism (PP and PSOE) does not recognize and reject, Finally you will see a last chapter 27 September with the announcement of elections with plebiscitari character as the only possible solution. A plebiscitari character that is no longer discussed nor Obama, Neither Merkel, Neither Cameron, Neither the European Commission. The 27S articulates with the desire to create a new framework of opportunities in the coming, claimed of new structures that allow them to mainly do citizens to improve the quality of life. These new instruments require but a general framework that gives meaning to the changes. This is what justifies the understanding between different organizations in favour of a unitary and candidacy. This constituent period must persist to ensure the definition of the new social pact, in no case is a closed policy proposal to impose nothing on anyone, But yes you have to guarantee the maximum expression of consensus. For this reason it is necessary to explain well that its proposal is defending individual liberties, in favour of the well-being and equity and of course of brotherhood with neighboring towns.

The possibility of access to the State itself can mean social improvements, educational and work with multiple ramifications that will have positive consequences on the habits of everyday life. In short, the systemic and comprehensive character of the constituent process is what justifies the impulse of a new social contract. A social contract that requires the involvement of all. In some ways we set. I want to do from the bottom, so owned. This item is revolutionary in relation to the formulation of other previous constitutions.

The Movement Go, ahead of all, recognize the revolutionary character of this period and the Defense transgression of established power, and believes that this is a non-sobiranista process dependentista in front of a State and of a Government (in any case of its citizens), not very sensitive to the disadvantaged classes. Even hostile we would say. Need a set of innovations, of profound changes, in the life of society, a substantial modification of our status quo as a country, i.e., the framework and content of the institutional organization. Today is synonymous with change is the right to decide all. A new country we will make together and especially for all.

The State and the parties of the 78 they have supported have disregarded a generation, the more of the story, but now is the time to break the paternalism established especially in environments such as the metropolitan areas. It should be more rigorous when it comes to explain the viability of pensions, the finance and the future of public services. It should be rigorous pedagogy at the height of the citizens. The best way to seduce the undecided is offering guarantees and a frame where you have the right to decide how the structures of the new country. If so do it, with education, the results you avalaran the construction of a new country on Sunday will be incommensurable and no man of the sac directed from the sewers of central power will stop.

Last reflection by Day After: This is not an easy process nor end with the 27S. Either it will be fixed by pressing a button or with the application of magic formulas. Now, There is an obvious fact, If there is a majority in favour, the following steps will be irreversible. It is necessary but also character intel·intelligence.

We ended up going back to Havana Cohiba. In the Spain of the evictions and the economic crisis the people no longer smokes Cohiba. Some already or smoke or have gone to electronic cigarette. Everything has its time. Even for those young nationalists.

Jorge del Río and Fabian Mohedano

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“The best justice time, the best courage ignorance and desire the freedom” of Manuel Bueno

"We have begun a summer full of heat in all levels, But if there are thermometers that go up daily a few degrees, are the thermometers of our politicians "

We have begun a summer full of heat in all levels, But if there are thermometers that go up daily a few degrees, are the thermometers of our politicians. A heat policy that will take us to a September cooler but from Vertigo to a 27-is full of hopes and il·wishful thinking for a, and of intolerance and righteousness for others.

We have lived through many things during this political course, that started with a mass crowd in Barcelona the past 11 September hailing polls to president. With a subsequent announcement of a consultation Ad solimnitatem that was vetoed by a State unable to tolerate and respect the decisions of the citizens.

Then came a fall expires, where the leaves fell at the same time that many Socialists left an old game of catalanist essence, precisely because this was a lot closer to what they said from the capital of the Kingdom, even, banning the participatory process or consultation in the lower 9-N, not for those who like Reventós and Maragall, the founders of the Catalan social democracy so often defended the spirit of Catalonia, our Earth and its positioning in front of Spain at the polls.


We were still eating the chestnuts and buns, and any tocatardà that is not reminded of their dead, bringing flowers to the cemetery, When that 9 November, for fun, festive, but us activist characterized the catalans, We, go out and vote, to stop the intolerable state action to slash the most prized democratic right that is deciding who we want to be, and where we want to get. The answer already know,  more than two million people returned to deposit their vote to say enough to "los oidos sordos de un estado decayente" that uses its legal action to defend the indefensable. We witnessed first-hand their imputations of presidents and vicepresidentes, of Ministers, and even teachers, Why allow the query, Why ask the village seems to be that they don't pick up the Constitution, i.e., It is undemocratic.

And so we enter in a cold winter, very cold, I would say that frozen, that was cool the warm relations of the leaders of this ship in Ithaca, Although we were observers in some unexpected hug and handshake and expectant, political tensions were the keynote of a safe trip but not easy, No one will put their agreement on a road map that had a clear horizon, but they had different captains who wanted to make different navigation charts. But in the end, as always, the navigation menu of the first captain, is imposed, and at the gates of a short a rising spring Eve February and radiant, they bore the 27 September.

And from that moment, It should not be stopped, This boat has been increasingly reaching out to more people, and that is why it is necessary to increasingly, more captains who may, with several experiences, with crews of different origins, with several dialects, even, some can bring their own boats to the side of the great captains, and helping at the helm of the large boat. Everything is a little, to the date of the next 27 September.

We need everyone, to all those who think that because it is an asset of a sustained injustice and arrogance of a unit, and that the only thing you want is the freedom to build a new country full of hope and opportunities for everyone.

Thank you all and happy holidays.



Josep Manuel Bueno | Updated 29/07/2015 in the 18:51Digital Nation:

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#14G agreement

Agreement of the 14 January 2015

1. The election 27 September 2015 with several candidates with a common programmatic

2. Road map
Agreement for the road map that should serve as the basis for the electoral programme that the pro-independence parties in the elections of 27-S.

3. Parliamentary agreement
Reaffirm the parliamentary agreement between CiU and ERC signed the 19 of December 2012.
The agreement has been extended with the addition of experts appointed by ERC in place·They with the Government and ensure the fulfillment of the agreements.

4. Budgets
Negotiation and agreement to approve a budget of national transció.

5. State structures
Build the foundations in the next six months:
- The Inland Revenue Own
- The Tax Administration
- The Catalan Social Security

6. Speed up pending laws
To approve the electoral law, law on vocational training and the administrative simplification.

7. Commitment not to apply the law Wert
Start the next school year 2015/16 applying only the law of education of Catalonia (LEC).

Artur Mas
Oriol Junqueras
Carmen Forcadell ANC
Muriel ÒMNIUM Cultural Centres
Josep Maria Vila-Abadal AMI

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Now is the time to convince. Political resolution of the Standing Committee of Progress, 27 June

Today, Saturday 27 June, took place at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the movement Go. After analyzing the political situation in Catalonia and once constituted the new city councils, the Permanent of the movement has approved under the title "Now is the time to convince", the following policy resolution:

  1. CONSTRUCTION PLACE·COLLECTIVE. The construction of the national history of Catalonia is full of different stages that have participated in the different people who have been contributing to the development of the current level of national consciousness. Right now we are many Catalan and Catalan-vast majority in our movement- those who have downloaded on the proactive policy in the political process who lives Catalunya eager to build with radical changes a new country, with more quality of life, with more quality and more democratic justice. We are also aware that many people who have come to the fatigades as a result of the crisis and disagreements with a deaf to our demands. Have been displaced both the perceptions that even many federalists are also now in favour of independence. With doubts because above all, everyone should have a place and feel comfortable. The construction of a new stage for Catalonia requires cross-ideological and complementarity. In this way many correspondences are the social majorities. Here's how it'll add and win 'em all people indecisive. A tireless task of expanding the scope of social-sobiranisme. The plurality is our strength. Now is the time to convince.
  2. RECOMPOSITION OF THE CATALAN POLITICAL MAP. The recent break of CiU, See also the recomposition of the centre-right, with the CDC as a main party. We value the efforts that president Mas is doing for the reconstruction of the space in the future framework of a Catalonia politically normalised, with a political proposal linked to the party of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.   on the other hand, the first part of this new electoral cycle should check that ERC is taking over as head of the centre-herd in Catalonia and is felt as a pal of haystack of progressive reformism in the coming years. Finally, the left alternative emerges with strength from two proposals: the confluence of a left-wing blog and the CUP. In relation to the left-wing blog, provides benefits that do not undervalue. On the one hand, It may also attract a significant sector of sobiranista alternativista. On the other, is an element of sum in the beautiful dream of many catalans a leftist government in a Catalonia fully emancipated. To fall into this trap would be to endorse a political polarization unreal in Catalonia by the existence of political spaces of Confluence as involving mainly ERC and to a lesser extent the CUP. The evolution of the map is constant, and possibly change insofar as it approaches the #27S.
  3. THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETYIn 90 DAYS of #27S. The transformative process, Empath, revolutionary in nature and especially cabbage·collective, that implies the building of a new country fully free, more just and decent has no reverse gear. Both the ANC as Òmnium Cultural agents are transversal and mobilizers of civil society throughout the process. It is necessary to preserve its main function: the transversal mobilization, plural, In sum the emancipador longing widely shared by our society beyond parties and leaderships, with the aim of convincing the undecided.
  4. PLURALITY RENEWED. The plurality is the strength of this process and this please should be displayed in different electoral candidates, I finally can add in the construction of a new country and, eventually, in a concentration that allows the construction place·collective of State structures that have not yet seen the light. We call on each and every one of the candidates a positive tone that will allow them to add, convince in the terms of the road map agreed between parties and organizations.
  5. THE POOR UNIONIST STORY. Frequent attempts interested and malevolence of certain sectors of the unionists who intend to install·the idea that the political process that we live in Catalonia is dividing families and society in general. The old attempt of creating insecurity, of fear, to treat the other as a wrong. Not to recognize the legitimacy of anyone who aspires to happiness collection·Group show. Attempts to hide that they are broken in Catalonia are the weak matches, without ideology, without leadership. Matches are broken by the force of Democratic votes in a mature society that knows what you want: change and a new country.
  6. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVINCE. You will need to make a huge effort to convince undecided here on #27S. A huge educational effort that draw and how will the next albiri Catalonia, the Catalonia that want to. We have to convince the large progressive majority that exists in our society that, from the left of the sobiranista, We are ready to contribute decisively to the definition of the constituent process. Now is the time to please focus on what really matters. We cannot constantly, We have to play. We cannot fall into the disillusionment that may cause some political eventualities. It is necessary to avoid provocations of a Goliath. Now is the time to please convince.
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Move with us in Tortosa

After 8 years of Governments of CiU in the city of Tortosa, the last 4 with most "absolutist" Tortosa is the third poor city of Catalonia.

With this situation, a group of people,  now for over a year, We decided that something had to be done, It was necessary to move Tortosa, is the name that was taking force and finely   is the name that has taken our place·collective. Move Tortosa.

So we went to build a political project, for some of its   of its members we formed part of various political parties, as is the case of Move, Initiative, United and alternative left, Constituent Process; a social project since some of its members were an active part of the social fabric of the city organized, and a citizen since he also added people who despite their desire to transform not taking part in any political group or, social or.

Move Tortosa we are a citizens ' platform, social and political, with which, We want to build a new Tortosa from more democracy, more support for people, more work and future.

The Socialists ' Move   We have worked from the minute scratch in the creation of this space, share all your goals, democratic regeneration, the right to decide it all, the confluence of political and social spaces etc. Thus from Move:

We want to move Tortosa in three fundamental directions,

More democracy and participation, We want to be able to decide it all, Since most Affairs up to everyday issues of national scope. More Social Rights, promote the health, education, pensions etc. We want a Council that give much more support to the people.

A local plan for employment, a shock plan   against this evil, Tortosa has a unemployment rate of more than 20%.

We want a new Government to our city.

Go with us to the city!!

Cristina Bel, Move-lands of the Ebro

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The communication and the charming Snakes

Long time ago I read in a study done by a doctor in information sciences the politician could become a Communicator who forgets the social function for theto which he was elected, and it made me reflect on the theme. After reading, a few days ago, a good article in this newspaper, I'm back to thinking out loud on the subject, and I wonder How do I  win the TRUST from elected Office?

It is in the public domain, that many of the senior political posts count with the help of experts in image and communication advice from how to dress to how to express themselves in public, without leaving to chance or the smallest detail. We are in a moment in which gives extreme importance to the image and the "speech" is understood as part of marketing to reach the people and win their confidence.   as the college professor and writer, Javier del Rey Morato, the: "communication is not politics, but politics and communication are "consustanciales”.

It is obvious that the policy use persuasion to convince the public opinion, so "politics and persuasion "are an inseparable binomial. The political communication always entails intentionality, without communication there is no valid policy action (just serve the manifestos and ideological approaches if you cannot transmit citizenship am

b trust). But for me that is the question: the communication and the charming SNAKES, i.e., "how" and "who" will win this TRUST.

I agree that communication is an essential tool to reach people, and that this is in the first instance the result of a good technique to talk to the public. Because if we dig into the subject of "how to communicate better", We know that there is a part of the population that has the luck to be born and grow with this ability, but for all the other mortals who don't have this innate "do" know that you can learn, with more or less success, through courses and techniques that are available to us (It is only a matter of time and practice).

But personally, I am suspicious of the speeches "impeccable" well-studied and thoroughly prepared with the sole aim to cause the desired effect in the people to whom, that reminds me of the "snake charmers", and look for other items that I friendliness more focused on the ability of communication in management. With this I mean, a person who is dedicated to the basic policy, therefore does not count with a team of experts ("spin doctors") or with all support staff such as have other politicians of the first line, You can fall into the error of devote more time to prepare for that to carry out the tasks for which it has been chosen, to manage and communicate can become two sides of the coin, When the person is more concerned about the "as it says" of "what to do".

In conclusion, any person who has to speak in public can become a good Communicator, and make a learning to improve the technique if necessary; However I trust more in those aspects intrinsic to the person who does not learn a few courses and techniques. That is to say, I trust those people occupying elected, especially since the local administrations, and without being notable or specimens comunicadores, detach and denote a large dose of energy, naturalness, coherence, capacity and·enthusiasm to move forward with projects of city of social interest. And that therefore, with a staging more often OK that brilliant, are more concerned about day-to-day management tasks for which they have been chosen, and to make progress towards a fairer society, which to focus their efforts on improving their ability to inform and persuade in public ".

So, as my grandma "learn and try to improve every day but that read we do not lose the type".


Gina Andrew Wall

Candidate to Go in Bellcaire d ' Empordà


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Moving forward with us in Girona

For a city of sum and progress in Girona

Move-Girona, We have made the commitment to introduce ourselves to the municipal elections of 24 of may with a different political force that will have the most nominations to Move in Catalonia. We do this with convergence and Union.

This Covenant may be surprised, as we work to build a political space of progress that will contribute proactively to the recomposition of the centre-left in Catalonia, but also we respect the principle of autonomy of local groups in its policy of alliances that strengthen the Councils in the key role for change.

This agreement, that is strictly local,  allows us to participate in a project, a road map, It has a common denominator: offer to Girona and Girona a sum and progress.

It is from below, from the following municipalities from councils that   It is necessary to strengthen the national process, at the same time that strenghten the citizenship being next to all the province of Girona and applying measures to curb the social imbalances.

We want equality of opportunity for everyone, because without equality there is no freedom without freedom there is no democracy., Thus from Move-Girona, We will work to expand the political space toward a social democratic Government, more progressive and more politic.

We think we need new ways of doing politics and that is why we are committed to the democratic regeneration, the participation, the debate, dialogue and understanding with other political forces, as well as getting our project throughout the city to make it more egalitarian, fairer and more cohesive.

We have an obsession: make Girona a modern city and transformation, without leaving any Girona Girona or back, and that's why we fight.

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A new municipality for a new country. The program shared the left-wing catalanism

You can read and share the program municipal. You can find it on the web to Move on this link.





Collection of newspapers from the presentation of the program shared:

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Moving forward with us in Badalona

In Badalona are colleagues of Progress We've made coalition with ERC and with the MONTH that we want an alternative coalition Government and progress of the PP in our city.

4 years of Government of PP has brought impoverishment in the city, increase of inequalities, confrontation between communities, corruption, Elimination of citizen participation and discouragement and outrage among social sectors.

Our commitment, today, is to ensure, through a program aimed at the general public, a Government that assume unequivocally clear that the national process and its commitment to justice and social equity.

This commitment takes on their rel the need and the desire to deepen the essential democratic regeneration and recover the essential values of the policy, understanding, not only as a service to the public, but as the genuine expression of his will, transformed into tools of citizen action and control of the management of the institutions. Can only be done if policy is in harmony with the needs and priorities of society and from their active participation and committed and, especially, subject to permanent control by processes of transparency and participation really effective.

We want a new Government to put people at the centre of its activity, that in order for the welfare of weaker and disadvantaged, to work for social cohesion and social harmony and balanced development of the city.

A new Government for our city, a city for a new country.

Socialists and republicans guarantee the change in the city of Badalona.

Go with us to the city!!

Josep Duran, Move-Badalona

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